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22nd October 2024 
FAQ. Stream over peebles

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have homework?
It can be useful for you to keep a journal of issues arising and how you have coped with them. I may ask you to try an exercise when socialising, for example, if being around people is an issue for you. We can discuss whether you would like to do these things at assessment or at any point in therapy.

What’s expected of me?
To simply be yourself. This can take some time in therapy as we get to know each other and trust builds up. I work in a genuine and non-judgemental way to help you talk about things that you may never have discussed with anyone before.

Whatever we discuss remains between us both. Should there be any risk to you or others I will mention this in session and what we can do.

Money is an issue.
Please don't let cost be an issue for making changes in your life. You can let me know what is affordable for you.

How long does it take?
I would suggest we start with 12 weekly sessions and then you can decide on an agreed number of additional sessions or to have our work open-ended. Whichever length of therapy you choose can be changed at any time in therapy with at least 3 weeks’ notice.

What to do if I can’t make a session?
Please let me know with at least 72 hours' notice or you will be charged at our agreed fee.

What’s the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
They are often considered interchangeable. As a counsellor, the issues tend to be less complex and may focus more on behavioural feelings and experiences. This approach can also be helpful for life coaching. The psychotherapist will work with clients on more complex and emotional issues requiring longer term therapy.